Tuesday, April 28, 2009

My Lost Luve......

The wind blows through my hair,
And dries tear from my face.
I look around at all the beauty,
And think of how it was then?

When you luved me with your heart,
And promised me never to leave.

But that was then and this is now,
Your love for me is somehow gone...

That promise you had made,
Is no longer for me to have;

To never love you again,
That's why my tears fall.

To never have that promise,
Belong to my heart.

Your love snatched for me,
From my world of joy.....

Never to be at my side,
Or in my arms during nyte.

The wind so cold I shiver,
Doesn't dry my tears......

Monday, April 27, 2009

Angellic devil......

Verdical I stand,confused in my path,
Fighting with the shadows,reifieng the divine.
There came the angel,lovely as a dove,
Licentious to touch,zenith to reach.

Thou was nubile,purity in eyes,
Noetic in speech,the mother of pearl.
Freezy caused by desire,of the unattainable,
Inspired by awe-,ignoring the swirl.

Rubbing through my hair,wiping-off my face,
Forbiding obession,impasioned eloqunce.
Vicious did I get,about who she was?
"The queen of love and charm,my child!"

Cracking youngsters jokes,teen-aged words,
Childish did she get,frenzied with my love.
She came up with a charm,spreading it around,
Chucking-off my pains,ecastasy she returned!!!

Life- A dream

This dream will end,when I'll die,
Let me hold on my strings;
I am no puppet of unseen hands,
I'll face waht destiny brings.

The nature play the part she lives,
I'll play my part,what fear?
What for I must compromise life,
There's nothing to me so dear..........

Let me live free,controlled and pore,
I live for those in need.
I give,I give, nothing I take,
No bread,selfish,I feed.

I am slave of none,and none my slave,
I am free, I'll leave none bound.
The sun shines forth,for he is sun,
So earth goes round and round.

And I'll be what I am made of,
I am truth,existence,bliss.
I am will,desir,soul;what not?
I dream 'this',So i am 'this'

So I drink nectar divine,
I need nothing from world.
Say 'world' what now you need from me,
I am indestructible 'word'

No pain can touch,No joy can touch,
I bow only for just.
Let people do all things,they're bound;
I'll do what I must....

Sunday, April 26, 2009


Its easy enough to be pleasant,
When life flows like a song;
But man's worthwhile is one who'll smile,
When everything goes dead wrong.

Give love and luve to your life will flow,
A strenght in your utmost need;
Have faith and a score of heart will show,
Their faith in your word and deed.

Life's just an employer,
It gives you what you ask;
But once you set the wages,
Then you must bear the task!

Life is a mirror of king and slave,
It's just what we are to do;
So give the world the best you have,
And the best will come back to you.

Saturday, April 25, 2009

You and Me......

When together we stand,
The world's in my hand;
When together we smile,
Heart wanna zing a mile.....

When together we fight,
And no one seems right;
I do say I hate,
My one and only knight!

I say you to shut,
And leave me alone;
With the world that sucks,
All through my dooms....

I rage at my soul,
For why did I luve;
And scream at the time,
That's as preety as a dove......

I say you I hate,
The time that we shared;
I say you i'l have,
A better life alone;
Though I end-up scared,
When you leave my hands to dawn.....

I did say this all,
With the creepy eyes that foul;
with the smile of my pain,
When tears pour on rain.

Though my hates, for you is a list;
I'd luve wounding up,all in a gist;
For the reason I hate,that you alway's do,
All this time,you still make me luve yew........

Beautiful Tomorrow

I missed my day,completely today;
But I wouldn't tomorrow,
For the days are mine,The world's all mine;
All life is totally mine.....

I missed my fortune,all was today;
But i wouldn't tomorrow,
For luck can't be bad everyday,
Leaving just pains my way....

I missed my path,totaly ttoday;
But I'd not tomorrow,
For I'd reach back the right way;
Making my path,clear by today....

I missed my soul, somewhere today;
But I'd not tomorrow,
For I'd start my life afresh;
Fragnancing my soul,in every possible way...

I missed my everything,only today;
But I'd surely not tomorrow,
Though tomorrow might not be my day;
My lil' hope let's me live,life this way...

My knight

Every noise was dark,all roads insane;
There he came up,to puff the lovely paen.
Larimae rerum embeddes unconstrained freedom;
We stand holding,the erotical rhythm.

Hooked up with brachial,smile on his lips;
Nostalligical branks reminding child-like skips.
Body enrolled,in a metallic capote,
Luve lingers around,strengthening the knotes.

And then with the tears,swallowed in his throat,
Haunting off his heart,out from his coat;
Slowly did he murmered,"oh my bonny lass...."
Spindling up the time,luvely rose that 'twas!

Lips did I pursed,sweat on my cheeks;
Screaching 'thou my sheet,sighing for relief.
The feeling of his touch,ecastasy within.
Experiecing luve,verdical indeed.

Hailing close apart,dancing to the rhythm divine;
Conversating our tacits,feeling the sunshine.
Cloning the prequel,back did I turned;
Hooking op the rivi'ere,pains did he dumped.

There are still all seasons,there always were;
They all seen like winter-now that am alone.
Catching up his armour,heading in the rain;
Every noise was dark,all roads insane.......