Monday, April 27, 2009

Life- A dream

This dream will end,when I'll die,
Let me hold on my strings;
I am no puppet of unseen hands,
I'll face waht destiny brings.

The nature play the part she lives,
I'll play my part,what fear?
What for I must compromise life,
There's nothing to me so dear..........

Let me live free,controlled and pore,
I live for those in need.
I give,I give, nothing I take,
No bread,selfish,I feed.

I am slave of none,and none my slave,
I am free, I'll leave none bound.
The sun shines forth,for he is sun,
So earth goes round and round.

And I'll be what I am made of,
I am truth,existence,bliss.
I am will,desir,soul;what not?
I dream 'this',So i am 'this'

So I drink nectar divine,
I need nothing from world.
Say 'world' what now you need from me,
I am indestructible 'word'

No pain can touch,No joy can touch,
I bow only for just.
Let people do all things,they're bound;
I'll do what I must....

1 comment:

  1. Truly brings out her inner self
    in these lines & indeed a fine
    piece of art.
