Saturday, September 12, 2009

To Leave me again....

Every time I decide
I won’t give in my courage You come and break in like a storm
Taking me down back to you..
When I try hard to stand up on my own

Your sugared words make me go weak in the knees
And I’m longing for your arms again..
For you, to hold me tight
and warm my cold & lonely soul.

But why I don’t understand..
That you won’t be around with me forever.
Why do you have to be like the wind..
Come and go away so fast..

The little affection that you bring along
Hits me so hard
That I can’t imagine myself without you..
Time and time again you leave me…

And I’m left alone tearful in the rain,
Wishing to see the rainbow of your eyes.
Because I know you’ll come back…
To leave Me Again.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Through a child's eyes :)

what is the night?

a canvas painted black
with an absent mind
leaves tiny bright patches
of illumination behind....

diamonds, pearls from the broken
bright necklace, spilt and enrich
a limitless dark blanket
mysteriously out of reach ...

the sun....

each morning some mad boy
throws a ball or a mango in the sky
or an apple in the eve,
which seems like...
like the only visible part..
the RED nose of an invisible clown...

but like all other heavy things
why does it never fall down...?
..maybe someone has glued it
to the ever changing Giants Room's ceiling

Or maybe...
two giant kids, one big and one small
are playing catches with a tennis ball
but the kiddo in the west never catches any
so the eastern guy has to throw apples and mangoes many

or maybe the Giants have it caught
playing throw-ball with our apple...
is that why it keeps moving in the sky ...?

The Sky

O fo, whats got into this giants huge
They keep on painting their ceiling and bemuse

does it even matter really...
most of the times it is blue
but sometimes crimson, actually
a multicoloured random hue

the rain....

A giant builds a bathroom huge
unseen, up and above,.... over
but I am not sure peeing he is
or taking his uneven quarterly shower...

maybe his mummy scolded him
and now he is aloud crying
poor soul, loud thunders - his sobs...
grieved he is, I should not be prying...


have giant ants build their abode - an anthill...?
O, none to bee seen... so... where are - many an ant,
only their silhouetted hill stands frozen and still
they must be stealing sugar from the giant!!!


The giant kids were having a pillow fight
the pillow was torn in all joyous delight
all cotton spilt and is flying away, and the giant chiku
perseveringly annoys, always blows and blows...

a strong breeze

the giants child is like my friend chiku
by annoying us, what does he ever gain?
why does he, winds on our faces blow
Stop he must or mummy will scold again!


this absurd adults have raked their brains...
jealous of the birds have created the planes
or maybe they don't like the giants endures...
and want to bug them, put flies in their ears...

the adults

these grown up children are very absurd
some busy, some at ease, but none ever plays...!!!
always and ever they want to he heard...
I don't wanna grow up, my mind now says...

-lil bro:D

This is what i owe to you

This is a list
of what to expect
from me to you
with love and respect.
I owe you an EAR
coz u always pay attention
I owe you a SHOULDER
coz on your lies my affection.
I owe you a HAND
you always helped out.
I owe you ADVICE
of that there's no doubt.
I owe you RESPECT
of that your full.
I owe you TRUST
with my secrets you were cool.
I owe you LOVE
deep in my heart you touched.
I owe you a FRIEND
who is honest and true.
I owe you MY LIFE.
because what you still DO .

Hear i write this poem for my bes friend....cheers to our friendship...BFF:)

Wake Up

An year old, inside a graveyard
Not afraid for a second
With the ambience,
Which could have scared the mightiest
In that hour.

Mr. Ghost! Are you there?
I just need your help sir
And I know you are living here,
For everyone always frightened me
With your stories, inciting fear.

But today, we are homeless sir,
No other place to go.
The roof fell on my father,
Like a severe blow..
And the hospitals nearby,
Are denying his admission.
They can’t check him urgently,
Without police’s permission..?

Just a fancy,
Or, in this hour of darkness,
I wouldn't have been compelled
to come to thee.

I’ve seen in the movies,
The power that you show.
Gnawing with those ugly faces,
You must have a heart though.

Please sir,
I can’t see my mother cry.
The tears,
Which I just can’t dry..

Come out of your graves please,
For the real men in the world
Are already dead..
Making me travel so far
The path,
That I never tread..


But no soul rose up,
No spirit in the air.
Only bats flew by
Maybe, crying with the kid
In that hour of despair.


The things have finally got better,
But the kid still awaits
For the people in this world
Are already dead to him.
He just waits
For their souls to raise.

Monday, September 7, 2009

The 'she"

She's had her way, always.
She's never adjusted;
Lives life to the fullest
believing everyone's to be trusted.

She lives on her terms,
Swearing by her freedom,
Likes to be the centre of her circle,
Too busy, to consider stardom.

Utopia, she thinksIs attainable,
And nothing's too romantic.
To not be feasible.
She grew up, pamperedLoved, by one and all;
Confident of winning everything.

Too afraid to ever fall...s
he had to be the bes tfor she couldn't take defeat,
She grew up believing
There's nothing she can't beat.

She was always the winner
Till a day she realised.
It isn't about winning anymore
,Participation is to be prized.

Strange, seemed this idea,
or it challenged her existeceConfused,
she found herself,
While looking for guidance.

She's too afraid to stumble now,
to let it all go.
For all her life, she's conquered ,

Winning applauds doing so.

She hides the spirit within trying hard to conceal it.
She's never been really friendly
She'd just feel it.
For her,it's always been being the one,
than a part of a team

She now sits in a corne
rWondering has she been so mean?
Did the values change suddenly,
Or was she living in a small world
The only thing that remains same.

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Silent Screams...

Silent screams that no one hears
Silent screams fall on deaf ears
Silent screams bring on the tears
Silent screams bring on the fears.

The silence is maddening inside my head. It screeches and hollers and deafens my thoughts. The only relief is one of denial that all things are fine, and I will get through this heinous trial.
I pray with a passion for God to stop me from destroying my being and to give me the courage to accept this, my most horrible fate. My life has taken the most appalling turn and I have finally learned that I am as a leper, gross and ugly. The lesions I see are things from the past. So hurtful and hateful and uncaring in its task.
This silent monster does its job very well. The demon slowly creeps through the jungle of tormented souls looking for one ripe with vulnerability. It weaves a spell with a web of such tangled emotions that no one is safe from the power of its destruction. When it finds a weak soul it pounces! Alas, that soul is lost forever, screaming and screaming in silent torture. Wandering through eternity with its heart in its hands. Holding it out for someone to take and to cherish and show that it is truly loved and wanted in some world, somewhere.
Oh what a fool I have been! Not to see the cruel joke that life has pulled on me. Not to feel the earth moving under my feet until it was too late. Not to feel the torrent of pain until my heart had been ripped from my soul. No, it can't be that this is my fate?Oh God, how blind I am with eyes, how deaf with ears, and how lost without love

Let her cry..

Let her cry,
That angel of beauty,
Till her tears run,
All dry.

Let her celebrate,
This once,
The birth of a Lonely star,
in her Trap.

It shall wilt,
By and by,
on it's own,
You will see.

As a throng of faces,
Creates a maze of Reality,
That soul is her only heaven,
Her only nestling bosom,
That orphaned one

Let her cry,
This once,
That lilting cry, I hear, Night after,
Predictable night,Has inspired, many a words.

From those waiting lips,
Those uttered cries,
In the gentlest nights,
Rewrite themselves,
Over and over.

She shalt,
perhaps, care not,
For the world,That exists,
Beyond, beneath,An oblivion.
Togetherness, it seems,Comes easy,

O you, the griever,Close your eyes,
This once,And let your heart,Bask,
In the glory, That comes, with those Tears.
Pray, let her cry,This moment.

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Unwanted SHE....

The season…
Complement her mood,
The ceaseless shower;
Followed by her tears.

She reticently peers
(As if unusual emotions flicker from her)
The raindrops on the bending petals,
The resplendent faces.

Blushing after the first kiss,
The birds chirping under the wet branch
For her…The grass is always greener..
If you read these symptoms
Everything appears to be normal
(At least at her face value)

Perceive her…
By her flashy smile.
Or dried dapped eyes,
But however unnerved ,
she may be.
With every word she falters.

With every step she may stumble,
Everyday is her struggle
To survive…
Each moment of her existence is a mile stone..
Her famished desires nudge her.
That she may be starved for love,

Or is it the musing of her bleeding heart
(She carts on a burning candle)

Yet I try to figure out…
Why is she unwanted
. ...

Beyond promises..

It was somewhere,
beyond the words,
where I met you,
for the first time,
and it was somewhere,
beyond promises,y
ou came searching me,
for the first time..

You were born in sketches,
which I didn’t know ,
how to draw or paint,
but you took me,
to those melodious songs,
which I couldn’t hear before anytime.

Now how can I be separated,
and be away from you ever?
I m now coiled around your nerves,
as another fibril ,
of the same colour,
ascending and descending,
the same spiral track along you..

Now how can I be separated and stretched,
in to another thread?
Now whatever I may explore,
will end in you,
when my thoughts carry ,
only your texture and fragrances...

When your fingers dip,
the watery dreams,
are over flowing by all sides,
inside me, as the pot was already filled ,
till the edgeswith you and your love..

Now I know,today onwards,
I will search only for you,
among the silvery threads of rains,
and in between,
the soft satin curtains of winds,
and in the hillfolds ,overhanging the valleys..

Even if you would be lost oneday,
in the flow of a spring ,
inside the chain of seasons,
now I know,
I will be longing, only for you..

This is not a colourful word,
I am presenting to you,
wrapped in a golden foil,
it is a promise I make to myself,
in this land of ours,
beyond all promises..

A sorry that never comes....

And the moon takes its toll,
I sigh in dismay;
Coz its been another day,
Without you
Without your voice
Saying sorry.

Life is still moving on though,
And everything would be fine,
I know
But at the back of my mind,
I am still thinking;
Is it too much
From you I am expecting?
I have always been the first one,
To give in till today;
Coz I valued the relationship,
More than my ego.
Am I wrong to expect you,
to give in before me this time?

I’ll forgive you,
I promise.
And forget those tearful nights,
Which I spent crying out my eyes,
When I remembered our time together,
When I remembered our fights.
I’ll forget when you coldly said,
That I am dumb
And that I sound lame
most of the time.
I have practiced my opening lines,
In a hope
That I’ll get to use what I have memorized.
Some day..I don’t want you to make it big,
I want no explanation
Just a sweet smile,
And a sweet ‘sorry’!

And as I fall into a deep dreamless sleep,
I convince myself“There is always a tomorrow honey!”
And so, I wait,
For a new dawn.
A new day
And a sorry that never comes…

Monday, August 17, 2009

Tell me why...?

Tell me why I still feel connected to you,
When you are long gone.
You too have changed,
And I am not the same either.
Tell me why you can't see the sadness,
Behind this ever-smiling face?
My parapraxis? Being in love.
And yours? None.

Tell me why you don't belong to me,
When I have been yours throughout.
This distance jars me ,
So far, yet so near.
Tell me why I call you out in my dreams,
when I know you will never return.
Tell me why I could not be the last one in your life,
when you were the first one in mine.

Friday, June 19, 2009

we R 1!!

My love, I have tried with all my being
to grasp a form comparable to thine own,
but nothing seems worthy;

I know now why Shakespeare could not
compare his love to a summer’s day.
It would be a crime to denounce the beauty
of such a creature as thee,
to simply cast away the precision
God had placed in forging you.

Each facet of your being
whether it physical or spiritual
is an ensnarement
from which there is no release.
But I do not wish release.
I wish to stay entrapped forever.
With you for all eternity.
Our hearts, always as one.

Friday, May 1, 2009

You are to me.......

You’re the thought that starts each morning,
The conclusion to each day.
You are in all that I do,
And everything I say.

You’re the smile on my face,
The twinkle in my eye.
The warmth inside my heart,
The fullness in my life.

You’re the hand that’s laced in mine,
And the coat upon my back.
My friend, my love,
My shoulder to lean on.

You’re my silly, mature, caring,
Thoughtful, bright, and honest guy.
The one who holds me tightly,
When I need to cry.

You’re the dimple in my cheek,
The ever-constant tingle in my soul.
The voice that makes me weak,
The happiness of my life.

You are all I’ve wanted,
You are all I need.
You are all I’ve dreamed of,
You are me!

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

My Lost Luve......

The wind blows through my hair,
And dries tear from my face.
I look around at all the beauty,
And think of how it was then?

When you luved me with your heart,
And promised me never to leave.

But that was then and this is now,
Your love for me is somehow gone...

That promise you had made,
Is no longer for me to have;

To never love you again,
That's why my tears fall.

To never have that promise,
Belong to my heart.

Your love snatched for me,
From my world of joy.....

Never to be at my side,
Or in my arms during nyte.

The wind so cold I shiver,
Doesn't dry my tears......

Monday, April 27, 2009

Angellic devil......

Verdical I stand,confused in my path,
Fighting with the shadows,reifieng the divine.
There came the angel,lovely as a dove,
Licentious to touch,zenith to reach.

Thou was nubile,purity in eyes,
Noetic in speech,the mother of pearl.
Freezy caused by desire,of the unattainable,
Inspired by awe-,ignoring the swirl.

Rubbing through my hair,wiping-off my face,
Forbiding obession,impasioned eloqunce.
Vicious did I get,about who she was?
"The queen of love and charm,my child!"

Cracking youngsters jokes,teen-aged words,
Childish did she get,frenzied with my love.
She came up with a charm,spreading it around,
Chucking-off my pains,ecastasy she returned!!!

Life- A dream

This dream will end,when I'll die,
Let me hold on my strings;
I am no puppet of unseen hands,
I'll face waht destiny brings.

The nature play the part she lives,
I'll play my part,what fear?
What for I must compromise life,
There's nothing to me so dear..........

Let me live free,controlled and pore,
I live for those in need.
I give,I give, nothing I take,
No bread,selfish,I feed.

I am slave of none,and none my slave,
I am free, I'll leave none bound.
The sun shines forth,for he is sun,
So earth goes round and round.

And I'll be what I am made of,
I am truth,existence,bliss.
I am will,desir,soul;what not?
I dream 'this',So i am 'this'

So I drink nectar divine,
I need nothing from world.
Say 'world' what now you need from me,
I am indestructible 'word'

No pain can touch,No joy can touch,
I bow only for just.
Let people do all things,they're bound;
I'll do what I must....

Sunday, April 26, 2009


Its easy enough to be pleasant,
When life flows like a song;
But man's worthwhile is one who'll smile,
When everything goes dead wrong.

Give love and luve to your life will flow,
A strenght in your utmost need;
Have faith and a score of heart will show,
Their faith in your word and deed.

Life's just an employer,
It gives you what you ask;
But once you set the wages,
Then you must bear the task!

Life is a mirror of king and slave,
It's just what we are to do;
So give the world the best you have,
And the best will come back to you.

Saturday, April 25, 2009

You and Me......

When together we stand,
The world's in my hand;
When together we smile,
Heart wanna zing a mile.....

When together we fight,
And no one seems right;
I do say I hate,
My one and only knight!

I say you to shut,
And leave me alone;
With the world that sucks,
All through my dooms....

I rage at my soul,
For why did I luve;
And scream at the time,
That's as preety as a dove......

I say you I hate,
The time that we shared;
I say you i'l have,
A better life alone;
Though I end-up scared,
When you leave my hands to dawn.....

I did say this all,
With the creepy eyes that foul;
with the smile of my pain,
When tears pour on rain.

Though my hates, for you is a list;
I'd luve wounding up,all in a gist;
For the reason I hate,that you alway's do,
All this time,you still make me luve yew........

Beautiful Tomorrow

I missed my day,completely today;
But I wouldn't tomorrow,
For the days are mine,The world's all mine;
All life is totally mine.....

I missed my fortune,all was today;
But i wouldn't tomorrow,
For luck can't be bad everyday,
Leaving just pains my way....

I missed my path,totaly ttoday;
But I'd not tomorrow,
For I'd reach back the right way;
Making my path,clear by today....

I missed my soul, somewhere today;
But I'd not tomorrow,
For I'd start my life afresh;
Fragnancing my soul,in every possible way...

I missed my everything,only today;
But I'd surely not tomorrow,
Though tomorrow might not be my day;
My lil' hope let's me live,life this way...

My knight

Every noise was dark,all roads insane;
There he came up,to puff the lovely paen.
Larimae rerum embeddes unconstrained freedom;
We stand holding,the erotical rhythm.

Hooked up with brachial,smile on his lips;
Nostalligical branks reminding child-like skips.
Body enrolled,in a metallic capote,
Luve lingers around,strengthening the knotes.

And then with the tears,swallowed in his throat,
Haunting off his heart,out from his coat;
Slowly did he murmered,"oh my bonny lass...."
Spindling up the time,luvely rose that 'twas!

Lips did I pursed,sweat on my cheeks;
Screaching 'thou my sheet,sighing for relief.
The feeling of his touch,ecastasy within.
Experiecing luve,verdical indeed.

Hailing close apart,dancing to the rhythm divine;
Conversating our tacits,feeling the sunshine.
Cloning the prequel,back did I turned;
Hooking op the rivi'ere,pains did he dumped.

There are still all seasons,there always were;
They all seen like winter-now that am alone.
Catching up his armour,heading in the rain;
Every noise was dark,all roads insane.......